Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1st Blog

My name is Nick Tuttle and I am a sophomore at UNCW. I plan on majoring in either Business-Economics or Entrepreneurship.

Reading Response-
pp.98 Thinking about Visuals that Share Experiences
- I believe the photograph tells a story of love and care. It shows the act of feeding a little boy and giving him nourishment. This story explains how species can survive generation after generation.
-I can tell the grandmother knows what she is doing and she has definitely done this before. This experience is one of countless others she has of raising her family.

1 comment:

  1. Nick, glad you did the reading, but you need to follow the blog guidelines. Your posts need to be 300 words and must include 1 of the following: an image, video, or a website link. For instance, many of your classmates included some type of family or college photo.

    Make sure you follow the guidelines next time or it may have an impact on your grade for the course. These blog posts are meant to be pretty easy, so I hope you will try harder to keep up with them. Feel free to talk to me if you have any questions.

    Full-credit, because this one is a freebie.
    - Jeff
